Join the Weekend Snack Pack program in feeding over 450 children every weekend of the school year by adopting a weekend.  When you adopt-a-weekend you have an opportunity to provide the food, do the packing and deliver the foods to our local elementary schools for one week. 

STEP 1: Assign a point person

Simply fill in the form below or email when you are ready to sign up.

STEP 2: Choose a week

Collection, packing and/or delivery can be scheduled during a weekday or weekend.

STEP 3: Collect food

The Snack Pack director will work with you on the items needed and ways to hold food/fund drives. The weekend snack pack can supplement any food given as needed.

STEP 4: Schedule a packing time

Packing can be done at your convenience. The work can be divided into 15 minute increments or whatever works best for your organization either at your location or the DWU location.

STEP 5: Deliver the packs to our local schools

Delivery takes about 15 minutes per school & can be done at any time during the week at your convenience.


Adopt-a-Weekend | 1120 McGovern Ave, Mitchell, SD